There are thousands of colleges and universities worldwide which offers millions of courses for the students to build up their career in particular area to take position in professional world globally.
There are many countries having well reputed colleges and universities which have given world best scientist, doctors, philosophers, Economist, Politicians, businessmen. Like today's best, richest business tycoon Mr.Anil Ambani has studied from Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, University of Pennsylvania, our earlier Finance Minister Palaniappan Chidambaram has studied from Harvard University and many more have been studied from foreign universities and presently working for their nation very proudly.
Before taking decision to study abroad you should have idea about your career plan very clear in your mind.
Every country has different education system and its worldwide reputation for international students.
Australia, UK, USA, Canada and New Zealand are the most popular destination for the international student to study and to make their career path. All countries have various types of education institutions.
You should be very clear with your financial conditions to take an admission into the any of the institution for your higher studies. So before selection we would like to advise you to go through the website and organize your study plan along with the financial back up. So you will not have stress during your study.
UniversitiesUniversity education is one of the most reputed and worldwide recognized. Basically University education having Graduation and post graduation programs in all major field like Arts, Finance, Information Technology, Health and Social Care, Environmental Science, Biomedical, Medical , business and management ,Music and many more.
Usually university having higher criteria for admission, normally University required 6.5 Bands in IELTS examination, 60 % and above grade in student’s academic career and good hands of experience if applying for any post graduate or research program.
Fees standards in Universities are higher than the college and other institutions. University education is more practical and research basis which gives professional touch to the academic career of the student.
Colleges - PrivateThere are many colleges which are private and own by individual or any organization which are having authorization and awarding certificates from the Country Education department and University. Normally colleges can offer Diploma, Advanced Diploma, Bachelors and Post Graduate programs with an affiliations.
Compare to University colleges have lower fees standard but similar education system and facilities for the students to study in. Admission criteria are bit easy than university.
Very important thing for the private college is they should have to maintain their quality control in order to recruit international students.
USA,UK, Australia, Canada and New Zealand having private colleges which offers good range of courses to the international students in affordable fees.
Colleges - Publically fundedPublically funded colleges are normally funded by the local government of the respective country, so they can provide better facilities to the students while fees standard are equal to Private College.
Publically funded colleges offers all diplomas, advance diplomas, bachelors, masters and post graduation programs for local and international students in information technology, health and social care ,business management, Finance and marketing and many more with internship options as per the course demands. Poly techniques and TAFEAustralia itself has Poly techniques and TAFE for international students with range of courses to study in. Australia is most popular destination to study after USA and UK for the international students and especially for Indian Students.
Some of the TAFE are funded by the local government so admission criteria and the fees standards for international students are higher compare to local students. Basic requirement for admission in Australia is IELTS 6 or 6.5 bands with no less than 6 in any o the section. There should not be more than 3 years gap in between their study. And must have 60% and above marks in their education.